Hello again, Bonjour

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  • #9740
    • Petit rein débutant
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    • 2Message(s)

    I’ve posted here before, with google translations, & exchanged a few emails with Yvanie in the past,

    anyway, just wanted to say hello again, dialysis here in the UK is good, but somewhat restricted.

    I’m back on haemo again after having meningitis a few years ago. It looks like it’s going to be a long ride, Home heamodialysis should make things easier & I’m in the process of training for that.

    Greetings for all from London, England:)


    J’ai signalé ici avant, avec des traductions de google, et ai échangé quelques email avec Yvanie dans le passé, quoi qu’il en soit, juste a voulu dire bonjour encore, la dialyse ici au R-U est bonne, mais légèrement restreinte. Je suis de retour sur le haemo ayant encore ensuite la méningite il y a quelques années. Elle ressemble à elle va être un long tour, le heamodialysis à la maison devrait faciliter des choses et je suis en cours de formation pour cela. Salutations pour tous de Londres, Angleterre 🙂 J

1 réponse (sur un total de 1 )
  • Auteur
  • #9913
    • Néphropathe confirmé
    • ★★★★
    • 917Message(s)

    Good luck with your comeback to dialysis. I experienced the same thing last year : this could be hard to live, mentally and physically but can also reveal the progress scientists have made within the last 10 years.
    Having a kidney transplant for 8 years from 1998 June to 2006 June, I discover by coming back to dialysis new drugs like Renagel, Phosrenol or Mimpara (french names…) or new dialysis techniques (new filters…) which represent a considerable progress for the patients.
    Thus I’m hopeful for the future, and I guess you’re too.
    Just continue defending the patients’ cause in the UK.

    See you.
    Pardon my english.

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