To anyone in the UK/À n’importe qui en Angleterre

Accueil Forums Le Forum de Renaloo To anyone in the UK/À n’importe qui en Angleterre

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  • #9739
    • Petit rein débutant
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    • 2Message(s)


    If you know anyone in the United Kingdom, please forward it to them, it’s a shame this isn’t an EU petition,


    Dialysis patients dialyse three days a week for the rest of their life until they die. These patients cannot undertake work that takes them away from their Dialysis unit, have a holiday, attend family celebrations ( weddings, baptisms etc ) or visit friends or relatives. They call on the prime Minister to provide sufficient spare capacity in Dialysis units around the country to enable patients to move between units. This would dramatically improve what is currently a poor and restricted quality of life. After all the Prime Minister puts high value on his holiday – he should not deny patients the same basic human right.

    Google translation:)

    Les dialysés dialysent trois jours par semaine pour le reste de leur vie jusqu’à ce qu’ils meurent. Ces patients ne peuvent pas entreprendre le travail qui les prend loin à partir de leur unité de dialyse, ont des vacances, assistent à des célébrations de famille (mariages, baptêmes etc.) ou des amis ou des parents de visite. Ils invitent le premier ministre à fournir la capacité disponible suffisante dans des unités de dialyse dans le pays de permettre à des patients de se déplacer entre les unités. Ceci améliorerait spectaculairement ce qui est actuellement une qualité de la vie pauvre et restreinte. Après que tout premier ministre mette de haute valeur ses vacances – il ne devrait pas refuser à des patients le même droit de l’homme de base.

    Please sign the petition below NOW & forward the link to all.

1 réponse (sur un total de 1 )
  • Auteur
  • #9749
    • Rognon expérimenté
    • ★★★☆
    • 124Message(s)

    I do agree with that point a view. Dialysis is now efficient enough to provide a good way of life (a not to bad…). But It’s necessary to improve the structure in order to permit patients to choose the hours and the place of their dialysis unit. It’s better for people who wants to work and be more independant in their social life.
    We have quiet the same problem in france. But we have the chance that dialysis can be organised as public service, private service or as society. So, it gives more opportunies to create unit, even if there is a rule regulating that (and limiting…).

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